Олексій Михайлович Ніколаєв


Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми моделювання навчальної діяльності майбутнього вчителя фізики як необхідної складової формування предметних компетентностей упродовж процесу його фахової підготовки. Розглянуто стан проблеми моделювання у працях провідних науковців. Виділено основи якісної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізики. Показано доцільність організації процесу моделювання реальних навчальних ситуацій як однієї із умов формування предметних компетентностей, котра дає можливість ефективного управління процесом фахового становлення майбутнього педагога. Виділено авторську позицію щодо організації процесу підготовки майбутнього вчителя фізики, яка ефективно здійснюється з опорою на навчальні програми, побудовані за бінарним принципом. Наведено основи роботи студента в ході моделювання процесу проведення демонстраційного експерименту з опорою на розроблені авторами та апробовані в навчальному процесі орієнтовні алгоритми.  


The article investigates the problem of simulation training future teachers of physics as a necessary component of subject formation process competencies over his training. It was established that the model is a complex entity, which includes such components as the subject (the future specialist); a task which he must solve; object (a piece of reality); entity established way of material reproduction model. The state simulation problems in the work of leading scientists. Allocated through quality training of teachers of physics. It is shown that the main idea of the problem of quality of training of future teachers of physics, as clearly evidenced by studies, is developing such a methodology influence the process of training that is guaranteed to provide the opportunity of understanding the scientific and applied foundations of physics and methodology of its study on the effective (as opposed to formal ) level. According to the requirements qualified approach shows the need for a new understanding of the nature of the subject training in identifying the conditions under which the comprehension of subject knowledge organically included in the formation of professional competence of teachers. Competence is seen as a potential measure of the intellectual, spiritual, cultural, philosophical and creative capabilities of the individual; Competence - how to identify these opportunities through action, solving problems (problem), creative activities, project creation, advocacy perspective.

The expediency of the modeling process of real learning situations as one of the conditions of formation of subject competence, which enables the effective management of the process of professional formation of the future teacher. During the process of modeling professional activity in the educational process organization of scientists show the conditions that attract students for the challenges that are aimed at building knowledge needed for successful, effective and efficient professional work.

Highlight author's position on the process of preparing future teachers of physics, which effectively carried out based on the curriculum, built on a binary basis. An basics of student work in the modeling process of demonstration experiment based on the authors developed and tested in the classroom approximate algorithms. Proved that mandatory modeling of individual components of the future teacher of physics is one of the main conditions for the formation of their subject competency in the process of professional skills; some aspects of the problem are confirmed in the works of famous scientists present and confirm the relevance of our research.

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