Валерій Максимович Здещиц


На прикладі розробленого магнітного прискорювача обґрунтовується можливість навчання фізиків-магістрів – майбутніх педагогів, співробітників науково-дослідних інститутів – методам вирішення наукових задач.

Метою статті є опис результатів розробки розгінного пристрою, що забезпечує демонстрацію фізичних явищ і їх взаємний зв'язок в області кінематики, динаміки, електромагнетизму.

Ідея роботи полягає у використанні потужності сучасних постійних магнітів для створення мініатюрного магнітного прискорювача. Цей інструмент стає основою для постановки студентам різнопланових наукових завдань, що покращує якість їх фахової підготовки з фізичних дисциплін та надає можливість коректного доведення законів фізики школярам.  


With the developed magnetic accelerator as an example, the paper substantiates possibility of teaching the seeking master’s degree physicists methods of solving scientific problems. To accelerate the marbles in a miniature accelerating device a strong permanent magnet was used. The device provides demonstration of numerous physical phenomena and their mutual connection in the fields of kinematics, dynamics, and electromagnetism. Using the magnetic accelerator, students can be tasked with solving scientific problems from various branches of physics. It enhances the quality of professional training for those seeking the master’s degree. The magnetic accelerator facilitates correct explanation of physics laws to schoolchildren.

The paper describes the structure of magnetic accelerator, its principle of operation, and also its functionalities. The paper offers instructions regarding statement of scientific research problems for those seeking master’s degree, as well as results of researching physical phenomena via the developed device. So, we determined dependence of the force of marble’s attraction to magnet on the clearance size between them, and measured the velocity of sound wave as it was distributed along rods of steel, aluminum, ebonite, and neodymium-iron-boron alloy. Based on the measured velocity, Young’s modules for these materials were determined.

Besides, it is experimentally proven for the first time that pressure of an elastic wave of 5·105 Pa leads to alteration of 10 μT in magnetic induction of magnet’s field.

The developed device also allows high precision determination of velocity of a marble’s movement along a horizontal chute. This velocity is included into passport of the device and is used for calculations that follow. The paper gives example of an experimental verification of solving a known kinematic problem, as well as experimental proof justifying the laws of conservation of energy and impulse.

Beyond application in educational process, the developed device will be of use for specialists, working in the field of building impact machines, applying shock technologies, in machine building, construction industry, device engineering, and mining industry

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