Інна Василівна Косяк


У  статті  охарактеризовано  елементи  технічної  творчості  –  ефективного  засобу виховання, цілеспрямованого процесу навчання і розвитку творчих здібностей учнів в результаті створення матеріальних об'єктів з ознаками корисності і новизни. Розглянуто взаємодію елементів технічної творчості і процесу проектування виробу. Проаналізовано етапи проектної діяльності в професійній підготовці майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання з технології легкої промисловості.


Abstract: Designing activity has always been closely connected with the creative work. But lecturers consider technical creativity not only as an activity aims to familiarize students with the diverse world of technology, but also as one of the effective means of labor education and polytechnic education. Psychologists, in the creative works, pay more attention to the timely finding of the students' abilities to a certain type of the creative work, the ascertainment of their formation and the sequence of development. Thus, taking into account the educational and psychological viewpoint the technical creativity is an effective means of education, focused on learning and development of creative abilities of the students in the establishment of material objects with signs of usefulness and novelty. Analysis of psychological and educational research and teaching experience allows us to conclude that the technical creativity sets up favorable conditions for the development of the following elements: observation, visual memory, imagination, spatial and technical thinking of the students. Technical thinking manifests itself in solving technical problems. The process of creativity, especially technical, always carried out in phases and includes the following steps: understanding conflict, the creation and study ideas; technical development of the task and practical work on it (designing, modeling and construction); testing objects at work and evaluation of the results of the creative solutions. Therefore, the effectiveness of creativity should be considered not only in relation to the final «product», but also for each phase of the creative task. The designing process includes scientific research of the best solution of technical problems; argumentation of technical specifications; technical proposal; schematic design; engineering design; workplace design. Practice shows that design is one of the effective means of forming initial professional skills. Designing is closely connected with modeling as a method of examination of various objects of different nature at their analogs (models). Modeling is widely used in the designing to represent and transform objects, phenomena processes that don’t exist in reality or that are for some reason unavailable. The next step of designing is the construction. In the process of construction are elaborated the details, full and particular schemes of the planned object and working drawings of all components and individual parts of the product. Designing may be theoretical (on the paper or computer), and the construction concedes the material (real) implementation of the designing activity. In our opinion, the great importance of the creative work is the continuity of the creative process and its result is the growth of intellectual activity of a student, the easy beginning of the creative condition, the desire for work that requires proper contribution to the case, being in» a state of creativity», the ability to see in creative work joy and pleasure.

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