Сергей Королев


В роботі показано те, що для здолання «синергетичного синдрому» треба обов’язково дотримуватися умови щодо застосуванню синергетичного підходу лише на базі науки. Досліджується синергетичний підхід як підхід на базі теорії ймовірностей при вирішенні педагогічних проблем. Отримано масив понять та завдань в результаті аналізу положень синергетики та педагогіки. Показано те, що синергетика не являє собою систему методичних вказівок для вчителя, що вона лише відкриває «вікно можливостей». Визначено як перелік базових понять синергетики, які можуть стати основою при створенні «Аксіоматики синергетичних підходів» (АСП), так і система базових принципів навчання (БПО).


The appearance of cynergetics as a science has first caused the solutions of a number of complex problems in the sphere of lazer physics and lazer radiation. Then the cynergetics methods have also been used in other spheres of the science: to explain the phenomena of self-organization in non-linear dynamic open systems in the inanimate nature, to study the evolution of biological systems, to investigate the complicated processes of social systems. The processes of thinking and human consciousness can also be regarded as the result of cynergetics interaction between themselves and the subsequent structural self-organization of large volumes of information, recorded in the human “memory system”. Considerable successes, achieved in diverse realms of scientific activity by means of cynergetics approaches, have lead to the illusion that the capabilities of cynergetics are almost unlimited, which could be called “cynergetic syndrome”. But cynergetics, as any other science, has a system of strict restrictions of its capabilities. That is why, when applying cynergetics on practice, one should not forget about the limitations of its capabilities. Unfortunately, in many works, dedicated to the application of cynergetics in solutions of pedagogical problems, one can come across not quit scientifically-based approaches. One should pay special attention to overcoming this drawback, which is one of aims of this work. The article demonstrates that the elimination of «synergetic syndrome» is possible only if scientific methods are used in synergetic approaches to pedagogic. The synergetic approach as a probabilistic approach to solution of pedagogical problems is investigated. A tract of notions and tasks has been obtained as a result intersection of synergetic and pedagogical laws. It is demonstrated that synergetic is not a system of methodological instruction for educational specialists, that it only opens «the windows of possibilities».Definitions are given to both the list of synergetic basic ideas, which can become the foundation for creating «Axiomatics of synergetic approaches» (ASA) and the system of «Training basic principles» (TBP). The proposed axiomatic approach to the application of cynergetics in solutions of pedagogical problems is analogous to the system of axioms in Euclid’s geometry, as Euclid’s approach has been proven effective for many centuries. That is why, in the course of broadening the ASA tract of theses the effectiveness of application of cynergetics in pedagogics will only rise, as the cynergetics is going to be applied only on the scientific basis. It will also cause the broadening of the tract of training principles, as well as rising of the effect combined application of scientifically-based principles, compacted into one, “packet”, individually chosen for the each of the students.

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