Ольга Володимирівна Шевченко


Стаття присвячена аналізу й обґрунтуванню основних професійних компетенцій майбутніх учителів фізичної культури. Завданнями дослідження є теоретичний аналіз досліджуваної проблеми, визначення компонентної структури та сутності поняття «професійна компетентність». В підготовці майбутніх учителів фізичної культури виокремлено чотири функціонально пов’язаних аспекти: мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісно– операційний та особистісний.


This article analyzes and substantiation of major professional competence of future teachers of physical education. The task of the theoretical phase of the experiment was conducting qualitative and quantitative determination of the content of professional competence in the process of preparation of future teachers of physical culture through the prism of selected structural components of readiness. The objectives of the study are theoretical analysis of the research problem, determining component structure and essence of the concept of «professional competence». In preparing future teachers of physical education singled out four functionally related aspects: motivational, cognitive, action-operational and personal. Motivational aspect is important and necessary in the process of readiness. Without interest, desire and interest in a particular activity can not be successful and the goal. The cognitive aspect is the systematic knowledge, abilities to the thematic synthesis of information, its analysis, reproduction system concepts in the industry of physical education, sport and human health. Activity– operational aspect – involves the formation of students as future teachers of physical culture and skills of professional activity; is manifested in the number and speed successfully and independently solve professional problems. Indicators of activity– operational aspects are manifested in the implementation of functions on a certain level of development skills of professional activity: analytical, predictive, reflective and meaningful practice. We have determined the content and scope of the proposed disciplines and the number of credits (ECTS) professional and practical cycle curriculum of different educational levels of students training in the industry. In qualification level of bachelor students master 65.5% of disciplines of professional and practical training of total hours allocated curriculum. In accordance with the qualification level specialist – 49,6%, and by qualification level master – 51,3%. The study of virusnya the content of professional competence of future teachers of physical culture, which requires the graduate ownership concepts, concepts and facts of science teaching and the necessary knowledge, skills and practical skills in the field of physical education, sport and human health.

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