Денис Васильович Гринь


На фоні реформування освіти, зроблена спроба осмислення підготовки нової генерації педагогічних кадрів для загальноосвітніх шкіл, що зможуть спрямувати сили шляхом навчання й управління пізнавальним процесом самим учнем. Одним з напрямків підготовки такого вчителя є сучасні інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, що привальному використанні сприяють розвитку творчих і розумових здібностей. Цей шлях істотно змінює характер взаємодії між учителем і учнем, орієнтуючи останнього на активне засвоєння знань.


Application of IKT in the course of teaching and study opens unique opportunities and prospects. New level of educational services demands creation of essentially new technology of acquisition of scientific knowledge, other pedagogical approaches to teaching and assimilation of knowledge, modernization of programs of study and techniques of teaching. The national doctrine of a development of education provides active introduction of IKT what would provide further improvement of teaching and educational process, availability and efficiency of education. Efficiency of educational process has to increase by application of new information technologies at such stages of study which are insufficiently effective in their traditional organization, or in cases when study with use of traditional forms, methods and means is not absolutely effective. Today multimedia means became the integral component of the modern world, they define further economic and social development of mankind. In these conditions of revolutionary changes also the system of training demands. Now high-quality teaching labor study cannot be carried out without use of means and opportunities which are given by computer technologies and the Internet. Ensuring teaching and educational process of labor study with modern means of study, in particular means displays of visually training material which can be used in quality components of the educational environment of new generation is the purpose of creation and application of means of multimedia. Multimedia means of study capture pupils, awaken in them interest and stimulate motivation, learn independent thinking and actions. Efficiency and force of influence on emotions and consciousness of pupils depends on abilities, style of work of the specific teacher. They demands design and developing of such means of study which would allow to connect different types of the information environment to an interactive form of study which gives the chance to increase motivation of study due to computer visualization, multimedia representation of objects of studying

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