Ігор Станіславович Чернецький, Ірина Андріївна Сліпухіна, Наталія Іванівна Поліхун


Проведено аналіз сутності поняття «мультидисциплінарність», досліджено особливості, переваги і недоліки застосування мультидисциплінарного підходу у дослідженнях. У світлі STEM-стратегії в освіті з’ясовано основні вимоги до мультидисциплінарного навчального плану, серед яких автентичність, академічна строгість, контекстність, активне дослідження та інші. Наведено технологічну карту мультидисциплінарного навчального дослідження явища фотохромії, яке здійснюється з використанням цифрових засобів опрацювання експериментальних даних. З’ясовано деякі перспективи впровадження, напрями розвитку і дослідження ефективності мультидисциплінарного підходу в освіті.

The terms «multidisciplinarity», «interdisciplinarity» and «transdisciplinarity» are used to indicate the interaction of several disciplines. The multidisciplinary approach in the research engages knowledge from different subject areas, but does not combine them. The aim of multiple disciplinary approaches in the research is to comprehensively examine and solve real world or local complex problems that require the involvement of a wide range of specialists from various disciplinary branches. The main features of the application of the multidisciplinary approach (MDA) in the research are the interaction of several disciplines; specialists in individual disciplines coordinate but separately examine various aspects of the problem, using specific knowledge, methods and tools, the conclusions of individual studies are summed up and compared, the problem solution is the sum of individual parts (conclusions) obtained within the limits of each separate discipline. At the same time, the transfer of research methods from one discipline to another, as a rule, does not occur, the boundaries between disciplines stay preserved. The use of the MDA is desirable to address the real (social, environmental, industrial and engineering) problems, in the case of solving a complex problem, to create the most general theory according to the research problem. The MDA is effective in the expert groups work, in situations where the solution of a problem needs to take into account the set of known factors that are the subject of research of other monodisciplines. Such additions from different ontologies make it possible to approach a sufficiently complete knowledge. The MDA in the middle and upper secondary school mainly forms and develops the critical thinking of students, and in higher education is a way of expanding the scientific worldview towards the formation of a holistic image of the object of research and forms the awareness of moral and ethical responsibility for the results and consequences of professional activity. An effective multidisciplinary curriculum must be authentic, academically rigorous, focused on an active contextual study, interaction with experts (adults) and should include an assessment. The introduction of STEM education is accompanied by the creation of a variety of multiple disciplinary teaching methods, with the use of the MDA in particular. Digital measuring systems greatly optimize the MDA in teaching. This is demonstrated with the example of the technological map creation for the study of the photochromy phenomenon

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