Оксана Петрівна Войтович


Стаття присвячена дослідженню стану вищої екологічної освіти в умовах модернізації освіти на засадах сталого розвитку, зокрема проблемі підготовки фахівців, професійна діяльність яких безпосередньо пов’язана із збереженням і охороною навколишнього середовища. Показано, що забезпечення сталого розвитку суспільства вимагає не просто інвестицій в екологію, а передусім зміни пріоритетів і цілей розвитку суспільства, особливо в умовах реалізації реформи вищої освіти. Доведено, що пріоритетним засобом сталого розвитку суспільства є освіта, оскільки рівень соціально- економічного розвитку суспільства, в цілому, чи держави, зокрема, визначається рівнем освіченості та культури її громадян. З цією метою у статті проаналізовано різні підходи науковців до проблем модернізації вищої екологічної освіти в Україні.

The article is devoted to the research of the state of higher ecological education in the conditions of modernization of education on the principles of sustainable development, in particular the problem of training specialists, whose professional activity is directly related to the preservation and protection of the environment. It is shown, that ensuring sustainable development of society requires not only investment in the environment, but, above all, changes of the priorities and goals of the development of society, especially in the context of the reform of higher education. It is proved, that education is the priority instrument of sustainable development of society, cause the level of socio-economic development of a society, in general, or state, in particular, is determined by the level of education and culture of it`s citizens. For this purpose, the article analyzes the various approaches of scientists to the problems of modernization of higher ecological education in Ukraine. The article shows the role of education for sustainable development and analyzes the scientific and pedagogical sources on this issue, during which the principles of sustainable development education that is developing in Ukraine are defined. In particular, it was discovered that higher education institutions of Ukraine carry out professional training of environmentalists in two directions: the first is the training of specialists who knows the concepts, laws of ecology and the place of man in the natural state of ecosystems; the second - the preparation of environmentalists for a particular industry. Analyzing the problems of higher ecological education in Ukraine we conclude that now there is a decline in the state’s interest in the training of environmentalists. The article proves that sustainable development of society is impossible without changes in the system of education of all branches: of the natural, humanitarian, technical, and environmental education, and the formation of sustainable development in Ukraine develops on the basis of environmental education. Therefore, ecological education should be given a special place in the implementation of the foundations of sustainable development, because environmental education is the subject matter and conceptual basis for the development of education for sustainable development. In view of the growing pace of world production, the important task of environmental education should be the training of environmentalists for various sectors of the national economy: education, state authorities in the field of environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources, industry, agro-industrial complex, and also public environmental organizations.

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