Тетяна Олександрівна Насадюк


Стаття присвячена проблемі забезпечення наступності між початковою та основною школою. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання практико-орієнтованих завдань для вирішення проблеми забезпечення наступності між початковою та основною школою в процесі навчання математики в 5 класі та наведені приклади таких завдань.

The article is devoted to the problem of ensuring continuity between elementary and primary school. Afterall, establishing a connection between new and existing knowledge is very important in view of the fact that the 5th grade pupils interest othes ubject depends not only on the professional skills and experience of the teacher, but also on the level of knowledge and skills of pupils formed during the training inelementary school. The article substantiates the expediency of using practical-oriented tasks to solve the problem of ensuring continuity between elementary and primary school in the process of teaching mathematics in grade 5tn addition, the possibility of organizing group, project, research work with relevant practical-oriented tasks positively affects the effectivenes of the learning process atallstages of training. The main purpose of such tasks is formation of skills and abilities In pupils necessary for the application of mathematics in every day life. An example of practical-oriented tasks can be the task of writing text tasks after conducting production excursions; practical work related to direct measurements, observations, collection of necessary information; tasks for purchasing goods and optimizing costs, making models, tasks using origami techniques, construction and research of diagrams, work on the maps, etc. The article contains a large number of examples of such tasks for pupils of 4th and 5th grades.Their use, in our opinion, is a very promising way of over coming the alienation of mathematics from the pupils real life, increasing their cognitive activity, ensuring continuity in the forms, methods and content of mathematics teaching. Education mathematicians at school should be a source of positive emotions for the student, which will help find their place among peers, support self-confidence, in their abilities. For this purpose the educational material offered to students should be accessible, mutually agreed, correspond to peculiarities of their development and previous experience. Using practical-oriented tasks at different stages of mathematics training, in our opinion, is a very promising way to overcome the alienation of mathematics from the real life of students, strengthening their interest in acquiring new mathematical knowledge, ensuring continuity in the forms, methods and content of learning and, consequently, the effective achievement of continuous mathematical education.

Повний текст:



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