Анна Валеріївна Ткаченко, Юлія Володимирівна Рудніцька


У статті розглядаються дидактичні можливості використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій під час вивчення математики у ПТНЗ. Проаналізовано та виокремлено основні переваги і недоліки впровадження ІКТ у навчання математичних дисциплін. Представлено напрями використання прикладних програмних засобів навчального призначення на заняттях математики у ПТНЗ. Описано діяльність викладача в інформаційно-освітньому середовищі навчання математики студентів ПТНЗ з використанням засобів мультимедіа. 


The article is devoted the problem of the effective use of modern information communication technologies on employments of mathematics in technical vocational educational establishments. Basic advantages of ICT introduction are analyzed and selected in the studies of mathematical disciplines, among which most ponderable followings: possibility of presentation of educational information is in a various form: text, graph, audio, video, animation; presentation of high-cube of information by parts; ability of rapid mobilization of attention those, who studies; possibility of effective activation of processes of perception, thought, imagination and memory of students; possibility of the use of world informative resources in educational aims and others like that. Also certainly complications and failings in ICT application in teaching and educational process, which are related to considerable losses of time at preparation to employments with the use of computer technologies of studies; by insufficient computer literacy of teachers; by complication of integration of the computer applied programmatic facilities of the educational setting in the structure of traditional employments; by absence of the Internet at home or in an audience and others. The most common are in-process described and easily the accessible applied programmatic facilities of the educational setting from mathematics, in particular: Gran1W, Microsoft Office Excel, MathCAD, Matlab, DERIVE, Advanced Grapher 2.2, «Graphici» (versions 3.1 and 3.2), FlatGraph, GraphPlotter, Master Graph, which provide independent active work of students,their research of functions properties and construction of their charts. Directions of the use of the noted programmatic facilities of the educational setting are presented on employments of mathematics: 1) during the study of theme the «Numerical functions» with the purpose of skills forming of functions charts construction after points are offered to the students on the stage of fixing of knowledges, skills and abilities, to take advantage of the program Advanced Grapher, which provides automation of process of drafting of table of values of argumenta and proper them values of function; 2) during the study of theme the functions of «Degree, their properties and graphs», are offered program Advanced Grapher 2.2, which gives possibility evidently to show students the process of decision of equalizations and their systems by a graphic method; 3) during the study of theme «Construction of quadratic function» is with the purpose of increase of interest of students to the study of new theme by the program Graph Plotter or Master Graph it is suggested to carry out implementation of tasks on the construction of charts of quadratic function, where a function is examined, as a mathematical model of the real world. With the purpose of activation and effective organization of independent cognitive activity of students from mathematics in extracurricular time a task is offered for students which foresee implementation by the program Matlab of construction and research of various charts of functions, providing realization of intersubject connections of mathematics and informatics the same. 

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