Світла Валеріївна Глікман, Наталя Леонідівна Сосницька


Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню і визначенню сутності та структури професійно важливих якостей майбутніх судноводіїв. На основі концептуальних положень щодо формування професійних якостей фахівця, а саме дослідженням цього питання у методологічному, психолого-педагогічному і професійно-орієнтованому контексті, запропоновано структуру професійно
важливих якостей майбутніх судноводіїв. Ця структура складається із зовнішньої та внутрішньої підструктур професійно важливих якостей майбутнього судноводія, які розглядаються як комплекс характеристик майбутнього фахівця морського транспорту, що мають відповідати вимогам цієї професії та сприяти її успішному оволодінню.


The article is devoted to the theoretical basis and determination of the nature and structure of professionally important qualities for future navigators. Analytical review of philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and special professional literature, normative-legal acts and other materials, the analysis of the quality of training future navigators for the performance of professional responsibilities taking into account current and future requirements allowed to determine that the
success of professional formation of future professionals of the maritime industry depends on professional orientation, which is an indicator of personal maturity; formed from the desire to realize the internal potential in the process of mastering the profession by improving personal qualities, which are characteristics of professionally significant. It was selected two conceptual approaches regarding clarifying the essence and importance of professionally important qualities of specialists and their formation in educational process of higher school. The first approach (classical) is associated with the study of this question entirely in the psychological-pedagogical context (educational psychology, psychology of professions, theory and methods of professional education, etc.). The second approach (innovation) involves the analysis of the concept of quality as a philosophical category, which is quite relevant in a methodological context and achievements of educational philosophy (ontology, epistemology, and axiology). It was determined that in accordance with the peculiarities of professional activity of navigators, where the management of a modern sea vessel is one of the most difficult human activities, navigators perform the functions of operators in the system «man – machinery», play the role of manager (head of group of the vessel), which is caused by the specifics of the functioning of the system «man – man» under the conditions of prolonged partial social isolation. In addition, an innovative type of progress in the marine industry has actually complicated the work of the navigators due to the high intensity of labor, considerable information flows, expansion of business and interpersonal contacts, changing their character. These challenges  require certain essential requirements for psychological characteristics and personal qualities necessary for the navigators to perform professional tasks, increasing the level of professionalism.

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