Стаття присвячена проблемам впровадження та використання інформаційно-комунікаційним технологій у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах Туреччини для виокремлення позитивного та негативного досвіду з метою його використання в освітніх закладах України. Висвітлено шляхи та методи реформування та модернізації системи освіти Туреччини для вирішення питань підвищення якості освіти. Результати аналізу досліджень учених показали, що освітні проекти, які були проведені Міністерством національої освіти Туреччини значно посприяли удосконаленню інфраструктури ІКТ у школах Туреччини і відповідно підвищили рівень технологічної обізнаності учнів. Проте прослідковуються проблеми в координаціії та підтримці навчання за допомогою ІКТ, які вимагають більш детального розгляду та податьшого реформування.
This article deals with the problems of implementation and using of Information – Communicational Technologies (ICT) in secondary schools in Turkey to highlight the positive and negative experiences with aim to use them in educational institutions of Ukraine. Also to search the new ways and means of reforming and modernizing of the education system in Turkey that were made for improvement of education quality. The aim of this work is to make the analysis of the major events that were held in Turkey for the implementation of ICT in secondary schools
It is important to note, that during the reformation process Turkey has faced with the big difficulties in education system: a large number of students and teachers, a large area of the state, a very extensive system of education and poor economic conditions at the beginning of this century. For example, students and teachers constitute about 30% of the population of Turkey. In these circumstances, to give the high quality education and training for everyone who needs it, was the most important question. And it had to be solved by the most cost-effective way. Teachers and the Turkish government tried to overcome these problems by developing the new approaches in education. In this context, ICT is considered as a new approach that will increase the flow of information and solve the existing problems.
Also, no less important alternatives to solve educational and learning problems in Turkey has been the introduction of distance learning, connecting schools to the Internet, providing schools with computer and monitoring of new means of reform. With these technologies, Turkish government can solve the educational and learning problems despite of the budget constraints. Also, through the abovementioned programs and strategies, it is possible to integrate ICT in the studding process at all levels of education.
The analysis of the scientific research have shown that educational projects, conducted by the Ministry of National Education of Turkey significantly contributed to the improvement of ICT infrastructure in schools in Turkey and therefore increased the level of technological awareness of students. However the ICT integration process faced with some problems that require more detailed consideration and further reformation. For more effective solutions, special attention should be paid to revising and updating the curricula, equipment, and educational materials on a permanent basis in facilities of education. Moreover, qualified manpower requirements should be met especially in using new technology effectively.
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