Марина Борисівна Літвінова


В роботі розглянуто новій підхід до навчання студентів в Україні на основі адаптаційної технологізації. Вказані проблеми, що пов’язані з неадаптованостю старих методик навчання до ментально-стильових параметрів мислення молоді, сформованого інформаціними технологіями. Педагогічна технологія розглянута як система способів і прийомів, що застосовуються у реальному процесі навчання, конкретизує загальні теоретичні основи навчання, що сформульовані у вигляді принципів і закономірностей загальної дидактикою, переводячи їх у систему норм і правил проектування педагогічних систем, з одного боку, і в способи здійснення на практиці ефективних освітніх процесів, з другого. Запропоновано конкретні напрямки технологізації навчання відповідно до потреб сучасного навчання у вишах.


We consider a new approach to university studies in Ukraine from a technological side. A new generation of students now come to a high school with a thinking formed by information technologies. This lead to the problems, which can be connected in some sense to inadaptability of old teaching methods to mental-style parameters of thinking and needs of modern students. Therefore, it is necessary to have a technological approach to teaching in universities to adapt the learning process to the characteristics of its thinking.
This educational technology is considered as a system of methods and techniques used in the real study process. It specifies the general theoretical framework of training, formulated in the form of principles and laws of general didactics, transforming them: a) to a system of norms and rules for designing educational systems; b) to practical methods for the implication of effective educational processes in certain conditions.
The next directions of technologizing of studies are proposed:
- Computerization. The implementation of automated, algorithmic reproductive forms of scientific and educational activities in the computer systems of information processing which enhances, gives a way to find quick access to relevant information, handle large information databases about society, nature and the universe;
- Virtualization. The remote, imaginary, imaginative perception and transfer of scientific knowledge and relevant tasks of higher education;
- Prevalence of media technology tools, systems, methods of transmission, storage and transformation of knowledge, experience, organization, etc.;
- Mosaic, i.e. discreteness in providing of the educational information;
- Support for the personal enrichment technology, contextual, dialogic, game, communicative role-playing, imitation-simulating systems of education, etc.;
- Suggestion, i.e. mediated formation of the teaching result via an appeal to student subconscious, including suggestive linguistics, i.e. a special method of the verbal mythologizing for a directed execution of such influence with a consequent development of appropriate software;
- A high dynamical influence on the audience to receive the desired emotional reaction from the listeners.
These areas have to solve the contradiction between the old teaching methods in universities and the new stilistic thinking needs of youth.

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