Лариса Давидівна Костенко, Алевтина Анатоліївна Залевська


У статті розглядаються особливості та концептуальні підходи з розгортання хмари навчального закладу, організація управління школою за допомогою платформи Google Apps for Education, та використання Google Class на уроках. 


This article discusses features and conceptual approaches of deploying cloud educational institution management institution based on the platform of Google Apps for Education. Considerable attention is paid to the Google application Class, its possibilities and peculiarities of usage. Examples of use in school. The question of a single information space and its components, the need for its introduction in the educational establishment. Specific examples discussed how you can use the tools Google spreadsheet, google, google documents in the work of Director, Deputy Director, teacher. Shows how you can use the built-in data analysis for intelligence control works, the sections of the knowledge of the STATE.

The main resource of the present steel technology. They are more important than any raw material and any financial possibility. Our eyes comes a revolution in engines of creation, accumulation and exchange of knowledge. One of the directions of the system reform of education is democratization, humanization, personally-oriented approach to the processes of training and management, update control functions, improvement of socio-psychological factors of the interaction processes of administration, the use of innovative technologies in teaching and management.

The education sphere worker must clearly realize what is a single information space. This is due primarily to the fact that the educational process that represents the many organized interaction of participants (students, teachers, parents, Administration), there is also an information process associated with the creation, processing, storage, Exchange, analysis and consumption of different information.

One of the main functions of the head of a need for decision-making. To the decision was accurate and justified, the head must be prompt, reliable information and time for its processing, as well as an idea of modern technologies, with which you can manage growing information flows. Without the use of modern information and communication technologies today may not do any head.

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Greg Kulowiec (July 23, 2014). Introduction to Google Classroom [WWW document] URL http://www.edudemic.com/introduction-google-classroom/

Как использовать Google Apps в школе? : (Newtoneaw ) [Електронний ресурс] / Л. Ширшова Режим доступу: https://newtonew.com/overview/kak-ispolzovat-google-apps-vshkole.


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