Максим Володимирович Хомутенко


У статті висвітлено мотивацію застосування хмаро орієнтованого навчального середовища при вивченні атомної та ядерної фізики в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах; застосування віртуального фізичного експерименту на прикладі створеної моделі атомного ядра, демонстрацій ізотопів водню та радіоактивного випромінювання. Проаналізовані аспекти педагогічного досвіду з проблеми створення навчального середовища; моделювання окремих дослідів з атомної та ядерної фізики. Окреслено застосування хмарних сервісів в освіті. Удосконалено методику навчання розділу «Атомна та ядерна фізика» та виконано доповнення навчального фізичного експерименту віртуальними демонстраціями створеними у програмі Adobe Flash Professional. Представлені демонстрації «Модель атомного ядра», «Ізотопи» та «Радіоактивне випромінювання» допомагають дійти до істини та підвищити якість оволодівання знаннями з атомної та ядерної фізики.


In the article it is reflected motivation of application of cloud of the oriented educational environment at the study of atomic and nuclear physics in general educational establishments; application of virtual physical experiment is on the example of the created model of atomic kernel, demonstrations of isotopes of hydrogen and radioactive radiation. Swift development of scientific and technical progress brings in the adjustments in all spheres of human vital functions, at the same time it is motive force for development of elucidative industry. In recent year one of key questions of improvement of grant of educational services there was wide introduction of application of informatively-communication technologies in education, that positively influenced on the state of material and technical base of educational establishments, majority from that was provided with a computer technique and multimedia devices, by connection to the network the Internet, but these changes at the same time caused demand in relation to the new going near the process of studies, her improvement and updating. Therefore on this stage the question of quality studies of Physics and Mathematics disciplines appears actual in general educational establishments in the conditions of global informatization of society. One of directions of improvement of educational services there is development of application of cloudy technologies at teaching of physics. For the achievement of the put aim there were the used methods of research : analysis of psychological and educational, scientifically-methodical literature, generalization of pedagogical experience on issue of creation of educational environment; a design of separate experiments is from atomic and nuclear physics. Cloudy services apply in an order to give user electronic educational resources that fold the rich in content filling of cloud of the oriented environment, and also provide the processes of creation and supply of educational services. Cloudy services are intended for work accessible to the user application software, space for storage of data and calculable powers over the Internet. In cloud the oriented educational environment it maybe to organize work with all computer and mobile devices regardless of what operating system is used be OS of Windows, OC Linux or OC Android. With the aim of deep and systematized study of division «Atomic and nuclear physics» we deem it wise to use the computer models of physical processes in cloud to the oriented educational environment. For the improvement of methodology of studies of division «Atomic and nuclear physics» and addition of educational physical experiment by us in the program Adobe Flash Professional CC there were the created demonstrations, that represent the models of atomic kernel, isotopes and radioactive radiation

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