Микола Ілліч Садовий, Павло Олегович Коваль


У статті розглянуто деякі питання використання інтернет-ресурсів у фаховій підготовці учителів фізики. Зміст статті сфокусовано на використання глобальної мережі Іnternet для вивчення молекулярної фізики.


The article examines some of the use of Internet resources in professional training of teachers of physics. For this set uses of online resources in molecular physics teaching future teachers of physics; The system requirements that apply to Internet resources used in education in physics. The attention is focused on a simple search tool and analyze related information, which is the search engines, educational and training portals and more. A solution to the problem of optimizing the learning process of molecular physics, improve student active role by participating in its online research projects, developing their own content sites, laboratories working with remote access, creating articles for online publications, visit thematic virtual tours, participation in the virtual research communities via online communication technologies (web forums, email, video conferencing, online communication with the student teacher, etc.). These resources allow you to enable students to different types of self-employment (search, information, cognitive, communicative, research, project), contributing to the development of motivation of cognitive activity, help the development of their own opinions based on analysis and comparison of different points of view, experimental data analysis of own practice and experience of others. The paper proposes a new approach to physical education that allow you to implement information and communication resources provided by the Internet. This approach is based on a new level of visibility, free access to large volumes of scientific and popular scientific information, operational communication, using effective tools and cognitive research. The proposed system online resources use, which optimizes the learning process for each type of classes in high school. Attention is paid to the criteria for evaluating teaching effectiveness of Internet resources that can be determined through the requirements that apply to the resources used in education in physics. Therefore, practical training on the use of Internet resources is an important part of the overall training of future physics teachers with specific educational subject of molecular physics. This study does not cover all of the use of Internet resources in the study course «General Physics» Physics for future teachers of technology the Internet, but it is a testament to the diversity and complexity of the research topic and requires further in-depth study

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