Наталія Володимирівна Манойленко


Стаття присвячена розкриттю питань психолого-педагогічних аспектів формування технічного мислення студентів – майбутніх фахівців професійної освіти, застосування і роль методу моделювання, розглянуті основні напрямки зв’язку моделювання з навчальним процесом у вищій школі, наведені етапи виконання дій з матеріальними моделями. Визначені шляхи досягнення майбутніми фахівцями творчого і продуктивного рівня технічного мислення. Визначені складові і етапи розв’язання завдань продуктивно- технічного змісту.


The article is devoted to the questions of psycho-pedagogical aspects of forming of technical thinking of students – future specialists in professional education, application and role modeling method. Given the definition of models and technical modeling – how of the procedure of creating designs and operating models that are able to go into the design and creative work for the production of products. This process is aimed at enriching the general technical knowledge and skills and promotes the development, creativity and skills to transform them into the educational process at the place of their future professional activity. It is shown that the relationship of simulation with the educational process in higher education should be established on six main areas: epistemological, using the model instead of the original, the model information analytical, methodological and general psychological. Determined that the review of any act that students should master begins with the implementation of this operation in material things in stages: preliminary acquaintance with the action, the creation of an indicative basis; the material (or materialized) action; the external speech stage; - the stage of inner speech; the stage of automated actions. The ways of achieving future professionals in a creative and productive level of technical thinking, the components and stages of solving problems in a productive way of technical content, the solution of which is: the generalization and the specification of technical performance; designing; constructing models; establishing the diagnosis; manipulation of images and relationships; the actions are transferred to the real object. Further research should form the basis for the development of theoretical considerations concerning the formation of technical thinking in the study of relevant disciplines, the role and place of the modeling method in the process of its formation, aimed at improving the quality of professional training of future specialists in professional education capable of addressing the needs and requirements set before them in the future professional activity.

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