Оксана Тур


Стаття присвячена вивченню вітчизняного та зарубіжного досвіду формування комунікативно компетентної особистості у період протягом ІХ – першої половина ХІХ століть. Відзначено епохи Середньовіччя, Відродження, Нового часу. Особливу увагу звернено на ідеї таких діячів, як: Ф.Бекон, Ж.Руссо, Дж. Локк І. Кант, Г. Гегель, Я. Коменський, Г. Гердер, В.Гумболдта, М. Ковалевський, Е.Мейо, Д. Морено, Г.Тард, Ч. Кулі, Г.Сковорода.


At the present stage of development of society by the main task there is an education of the educated and humane person, education of the harmonious developed personality who is capable to live and work fully in the conditions of modern society, adequately and effectively to communicate in collective. Process of reforming of the highest provides education not only introduction of various innovations, but also use of the best traditions of domestic and foreign science. The article analyzes domestic and foreign experience of formation of communicative competence of personality in the period during 9th – first half of 19th of centuries. Marked the middle Ages and the Renaissance. Pay special attention to the main ideas of the figures of the New time (the philosophers I.Kant, W. Humboldt; the sociologists M.Kovalevsky, E.Mayo, G.Tarde; psychologists D.Moreno, C.Hooley). The special attention is paid to categorical imperatives of I. Kant which remain actual and necessary in the interpersonal relations now – treat people as you wants that people treated you. Development of linguistics as sciences was important for formation of communicative competence of the personality. On development of science about language views of V. Humboldt who marked out social character of language and proved objectivity of its existence were of great importance, I allocated functional kinds of language and presented language as system. Having studied relationship of various social groups of E.Meyo becomes the founder of «the theory of the human relations». K. Rogers, A. Maslou, E.Erixon E. Fromm's works in which the value of the person is considered, the right for realization of his requirements and interests is defined behind it have special value. Attention is also paid to the problem of formation of communicative skills of young people of Kiievan Rus’, the ethics of communication of the next generations (Galicia-Volyn chronicle, polemic works and others), puts more emphasis on the outstanding role Skovoroda for formation of communicative competence of personality. In article on the basis of theoretical methods of studying of scientific and historical literature, a citing method, and also methods of the analysis of synthesis and generalization the conclusion is drawn that during the studied period the special attention was paid to language as to means of achievement of social interaction, and also the principles of humanity, partnership and tolerance.

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