Євгенія Анатоліївна Іванченко


В статті представлені результати пілотажного дослідження щодо вивчення стану сформованості математичної компетентності економіста випускників-бакалаврів у сучасних економічних вишах та апробації Методики діагностування сформованості математичної компетентності економіста. 

Аналіз сформованості складових математичної компетентності економіста дозволив з’ясувати напрями перетворення існуючої системи професійної підготовки фахівців економічної сфери для підвищення якості їхньої освіти.

The article describes the results of pilotage research and testing of economist’s mathematical competence formation of the graduate students in the present higher educational establishments. The methods of diagnostics of future economist’s mathematical competence formation are presented in the article.

During pilotage research it was fixed that the majority of graduate students had the elementary level of specified competence. This level is characterized by the elementary level of the formed system of mathematical knowledge, practical abilities and skills, valued orientations and mutual relations, professional and personal qualities, experience of cognitive activity; it provides the ability to use mathematical methods in the economic calculations, modeling and forecasting economic phenomena both in the standard tasks and in the situations of uncertainty.

The analysis of the formed components of economist’s mathematical competence showed low results of basic component formation, caused by a lack of self-actualization of the graduate students, lack of holistic perception of the world as a whole, and perception of themselves in this world.

It should be noted that there are also the "modest" results of professional component formation due to lack of independence, integrity and adequate perception of reality, the relevant motivation of professional activity, as well as internal compliance of the chosen profession to the abilities and needs of the individual.

Also, the results of graduate students questioning indicate insufficient attention to selfactualization of higher education applicants, to the adequacy of criticism perception and to the skills of team work, emotional problems elimination in daily communication and development of his organization, which lead to disruption of the social component formation of mathematical competence.

The results of pilotage research confirmed the relevance of the problem of future economist’s mathematical competence formation, the necessity to improve the professional future economist’s training. The analysis of testing results showed the correctness of our research hypothesis, which is based on the assumption that efficiency of future economist’s mathematical competence formation will be higher in the integrative professional training of future economists.

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