Дмитро Юрійович Дедерко


У статті проаналізовано компоненти професійної компетентності вчителя сільської школи в сучасних умовах, досліджуються погляди науковців на особливості середовища школи сільської місцевості. Доведено важливість урахування особливостей професійного середовища сільської школи у розвитку професійної компетентності вчителя школи сільської місцевості. Розкрито умови розвитку професійної компетентності вчителя в умовах сільської школи. Також було розкрито особливості діяльності сільської школи, як ефективний спосіб розвитку особистості, навіть в наш час, через створення певних умов в навчальному процесі. Відповідно до визначених умов в навчальному процесі, описаних в статті, визначена готовність вчителя в організації навчання та освітнього процесу в умовах сільської школи.


This article describes the conditions of professional competence of teachers in rural schools in modern conditions, are investigated the views of scientists on environmental features educational institution located in the village. It is proved importance of the accounting of features of the professional environment of rural school in development of professional competence of the teacher of school of rural areas. Features of teaching and educational process at rural school and feature of teaching and educational process at school of rural areas are marked out. Were revealed the conditions of professional competence of teachers, who work in rural schools. The importance of taking in account the peculiarities of professional environment of rural school is proved in the development of professional competence of village teachers. It has been discovered the peculiarities of village school activity as an effective way of human’s development, even nowadays due to creating of certain conditions during the teaching process. According to supposed conditions in the teaching process, described in the article above, it has been observed teacher’s readiness in the organization of the teaching and educational process in conditions of village school. Components which improvement will allow are allocated to increase competence level in general, structure of professional competence of the teacher which is presented as system of the interconnected components: cognitive, procedural and operational, personal and reflexive. There is no doubt that the problem of efficiency, productivity of pedagogical process at rural school, can be decided only on condition of ensuring high competence and professional skill of the teacher that is a subject of many actual researches which analysis is provided in article. And Professional competence of the teacher of rural school demands continuous development and improvement.

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