Надія Анатоліївна Борисенко


Cтаття спрямована на окреслення загальної схеми організації та змісту педагогічного експерименту з підготовки майбутніх учителів технологій до формування художньо-технічних умінь в учнів основної школи, методики здійснення етапів експерименту. Охарактеризовано цілі та зміст основних етапів педагогічного експерименту, на основі чого зроблено висновок про ефективність обґрунтованих педагогічних умов, розробленої моделі, запропонованої методики підготовки майбутніх учителів технологій до формування художньо-технічних умінь в учнів основної школи. Представлено діагностичні засоби, які використовувались у процесі дослідження рівня сформованості кожного з визначених компонентів готовності майбутніх учителів технологій до означеної діяльності (мотиваційного, когнітивного, операційного, рефлексивного). Перспективами дослідження є вивчення можливостей використання ІКТ для удосконалення художньо-технічних умінь майбутніх учителів технологій.


The article is aimed at describing the general framework for organizing and content of the pedagogical experiment on technology teachers training to form basic school pupils’ artistic and technical skills, methods of implementing the stages of the experiment. Objectives and content of the main stages of the pedagogical experiment (stating, molding, controlling) were characterized, on the base of which the conclusion on the efficiency of the grounded pedagogical conditions, of the developed model, of the proposed methodology for intending technology teachers forming the artistic and technical skills of basic school pupils. Diagnostic tools used in the process of studying the levels of formation of each of the specified components of intending technology teachers’ readiness for the designated activity (motivational, cognitive, operational, and reflexive) were presented. The above mentioned tools included: 1) observing aimed at defining the students’ interest in using the artistic and technical skills in the practical laboratory work and the state of the students skills formation; 2) a survey aimed at determining the perceptions and attitudes of students and technologies teachers to form the artistic and technical skills of the intending technology teachers and the need to develop these skills for the basic school pupils, as well as to examine the state of students readiness of the control and experimental groups to form the artistic and technical skills of basic school pupils. Testing was intended to identify the level of knowledge available to students for forming the control and experimental groups, and find out the state of formation of the cognitive component of preparedness. Теsting was aimed at defining the level of the students existing knowledge to form the control and experimental groups, and find out the state of formation of the readiness cognitive component. Applying the analysis of the students activity results made it possible to represent the objective view of the intending technology teachers in the practical performance, to draw conclusions on students neatness, diligence, aesthetic tastes, the condition of forming the artistic and technical skills. Identifying the degree of formation of the intending technology teachers artistic and technical skills was carried by means of the specially designed diagnostic and creative tasks. Peer review of the formation of readiness components was applied to improve the objectivity of the data. The received results of the experimental studies demonstrate the positive changes in forming the components of the experimental groups students readiness to forming the basic schools pupils artistic and technical skills. Prospects of the investigation are made of studying the possibilities of using ICT to improve the intending technology teachers artistic and technical skills.

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