Олена Михайлівна Трифонова


Стаття присвячена проблемі взаємозв’язку і впливу еволюції технологій архітектури обчислювальних систем та сучасної наукової картини світу.


Abstract: The article deals with the problem of the relationship and influence the evolution of computer architecture technologies and modern scientific world. New technologies with high potential can be demanded by the market. Differ new, not new – improved, usable and obsolete technology. Not new, but improved technology can be effective, and tested when the market becomes standard. It is important that this standard is correlated with the market demand. This determines the lifetime of such technology. Useful technology usually are temporary satisfy demand. Outdated technology has low demand and leads to extensive road development. In recent years have developed several types of supercomputers: vector; vector-belts; parallel with distributed memory; Parallel with shared memory; cluster. Thus, a brief overview of technology design and production of computers makes it possible to conclude that this process is fundamentally influenced the formation of the modern scientific world, as well as provides insight into the effects of micro-, macro- and megaworld make appropriate conclusions. The development of national high technology development began in 1953 in Europe nayshvydkodiyuchoyi computer. Its performance was 8,000 - 10 000 transactions per second. This machine was created under the guidance of Academician of the USSR S.O.Lebedev (1902-1974). Over time performance improved modification of such machinery amounted to 1 mln. Operations per second. A high performance – 125 million. оp/s – owned domestic multiprocessor computing complex «Elbrus- 2», created in 1985 in mechanical or electrodynamic paintings in the world are no technological elements of computer systems, no features can work in man-machine mode. Use of computers has expanded not only the number of mechanisms, machines and other devices, which joins the computer, but also introduced a «smart» capabilities. In particular, information retrieval systems and databases grow in the knowledge base, which promotes development of the Internet. In knowledge bases stored not only data, but also the development of new rules on claims already available. This means that the database is able to generate new knowledge. Listed applies to new, modern scientific world that is constantly evolving and supplemented. Prospects of further scientific studies related to the study of patterns of formation and development of the modern scientific world.

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