Олександр Филимонович Баранюк


Спостерігається певний розрив між рівнем підготовки фахівців з програмування і вимогами з боку роботодавців. Випускникам бракує навичок комунікації, командної роботи, досвіду реалізації реальних проектів. Традиційна лекційно-лабораторна система викладання передбачає трансляцію знань, а не формування необхідних випускнику навичок. На цьому наголошують нормативні документи галузі комп’ютерних наук та програмної інженерії. Потрібні активні методи навчання, засновані на природній цікавості молоді до нових знань та досліджень.

Пропонується при вивченні курсу «Проектування програмних систем» застосовувати елементи проблемно-орієнтованого навчання. При цьому активну роль переходить від викладача до студента, який сам керує процесом навчання на основі власного досвіду і запропонованого викладачем набору проблем. Проблема виступає як рушійна сила процесу навчання.

There is a gap between the level of training of graduates in field of programming and the requirements from employers. Graduates do not have enough communication skills, teamwork skills, and experience in implementing real projects. Traditional lecture-laboratory training system provides rather knowledge translation from lecturer to students than the formation of the skills necessary to graduates. Curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in computer science and software engineering also pay attention to this problem. It’s required active learning methods based on the natural interest of young people in new knowledge and research.

Active learning is based on ideas of constructivism, when student doesn’t get ready knowledge, but creates (constructs) knowledge through active learning activities and is responsible for own learning. There are some active learning techniques including problem-basedlearning as well-known and quite popular technique. PBL is an instructional method in which ill-structured (open-ended) problems are introduced at the beginning of each class. Students need to analyze problem, to get needed knowledge, to find appropriate solution and evaluate whether it meet the problem specification. Thus, problem is the driving force of the learning process.

It is proposed to use elements of problem-based learning during learning of the course «Design of Software Systems». The main steps of problem-based learning are quite similar to appropriate steps of software development life cycle (problem analysis, works distribution, problem solving, results analysis etc.). It’s possible to model evolutionary software development process due to active class and out-of-class learning activity of students in their groups. Here active role is transferred from teacher to student, which controls the learning process on the basis of their own experience and problems proposed by the teacher.

With this approach laboratory session is organized as a series of problems solving within general mini-project proposed to the students. The students work in small groups, they get ill-structured (open-ended) problem according to teaching plan. Each problem is solved during approximately two weeks. Fist experience in PBL shows that students can demonstrate more creativity, responsibility, and success using problem-based learning.

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Computer Science Curricula 2013 : Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science / The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula Association for Computing Machinery. – Los Vaqueros : IEEE Computer Society, 2013. – 514 pp.

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Instruction at FSU : A Guide to Teaching and Learning Practices / Florida State University. – Florida : Florida State University, 2011. – 224 pp.

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