Ірина Юріївна Серьогіна


У статті визначені педагогічні умови формування у студентів педагогічного ВНЗ здатності до розвитку та саморозвитку у процесі їх професійної підготовки, зокрема, при вивченні навчальної дисципліни «Основи харчових технологій». Серед них: позитивна мотивація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів; використання особистісного, діяльнісного та діалогічного підходів у процесі професійної підготовки студентів; забезпечення комфортного психологічного мікроклімату на заняттях тощо. Наголошується на тому, що особистісно-діяльнісний підхід вимагає рефлексійного управління міжособистісною взаємодією, тобто метою взаємодії викладача та студента є розвиток потреби і здатності до самоуправління, саморегуляції, самоорганізації, самоконтролю навчальної діяльності.

In the article the pedagogical conditions of forming the abilities to development and self-development of students during their professional training are considered, in particular, during the studying of discipline «The bases of food technologies». Among them are: positive motivation of educational-cognitive activity of students; using personal, activity and dialogue approaches during professional education of students; providing of comfort psychological microclimate at the lessons ect. Accenting, that person-activity approach demands reflexive management of interpersonal interaction, meaning, that the goal of interaction between teacher and student is development of needs and abilities for self-management, self regulation, self organization and self-control of studying process. In our researching the basic subsoil of personal and activity approaches is that fact, that the formation and development of personality takes place in a variety of activities. Realization of this approaches provides modeling the structure of educational, practical pedagogical, projective-pedagogical and scientific activity of students, aimed at personal development of the individual as the «author of the activity». The definition of «the author of activity» combines the notion of «subject of activity» and «development of one’s own personality». In this approach, conditions for self-realization, self-actualization of students must be laid down, thereby ensuring the direction of their pedagogical activity to the formation of the student’s personality. General in personal and activity approaches is creation of conditions for development and selfdevelopment of the personality of the person, the realization of a responsible position by the teacher for the results of the educational process, the construction of the appropriate level of development of students activities on the basis of dialogue and cooperation. In addition, this is a general way of pedagogical activity, aimed at intensifying the person-professional sphere in the joint activity of the teacher and the student through self-knowledge, selforganization, self-building, self-change, self-realization, through interaction and mutual influence of subjectsubject relations. Personality-activity approach in preparation of university students for professional activity involves the mutual conditionality of the formation of activity and personality in the pedagogical process because of his personality and activity aspects.

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