Іван Валерійович Донець


Стаття присвячена малодослідженій темі: організації вчителем фізики дослідницької діяльності учнів у пришкільному літньому фізико-математичному таборі непрофільного навчального закладу. В статті наведено перелік завдань та фізичних дослідів, призначених для виконання в умовах пришкільного літнього фізико-математичного табору. Наведено узагальнену структуру проведення пришкільного літнього фізико-математичного табору з урахуванням труднощів, які виникають у процесі проведення заходів та можливостей їх подолання. Формами організації дослідницької діяльності учнів з фізики обрано навчальні заняття, інтелектуальну гру «Що? Де? Коли?», фізико-математичні бої. Описано 17 дослідів і 15 дослідницьких задач з фізики.

The article is devoted to the poorly researched topic: the organization of the teacher of the physics of research activity of students in the preschool summer physics and mathematics camp of a non-formal educational institution. The article gives a list of tasks and physical experiments intended for implementation in the conditions of the preschool summer physics and mathematics camp. The generalized structure of the preschool summer physics and mathematics camp is given. The task of the teacher of physics in the process of organizing the research activity of students is enumerated: increasing motivation of students to participate in research activities, selection of interesting experiments with first and foremost qualitative, not quantitative results, actualization and replenishment of knowledge of students in physics, planning of place and time of events, taking into account climatic conditions. Forms of organization of research activity of students in physics have been selected study lessons, intellectual game «What? Where? When?», Physical and mathematical fights. The organization of training sessions in physics consisted of student research activities. They were invited to conduct physical outdoor experiments and to try to explain the reasons for which they received certain results of experiments. Organization of the intellectual game «What? Where? When?» Was foreseen readiness for the research activity of a physics teacher. Students were offered to conduct observations of experiments and to explain the reasons for which the physics teacher received certain results in advance. The organization of physical and mathematical battles required the involvement of students and physics teachers in the research activity. The basis of the «All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Physicists» was taken as the basis. The article describes 17 experiments and 15 research tasks in physics. Another result of the organization of research activities of students in the summer school of physics and mathematics is the increased interest in the study of physics: the children discussed the solution of the research tasks that each team received; Mentions physical experiments conducted independently or performed by a physics teacher; invent new terms of the tasks, changing the conditions of the tasks performed and / or combining them with each other. In addition, the interest in the subject in some students proved to be stable even in the study of physics during the school year, which is a good factor in improving the quality of knowledge of students

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