Оксана Геннадьевна Медведовская, Геннадий Кузьмич Чепурных


Розглянуто інструментарій програми MS Sway, як приклад використання Хмарних технологій в освітньому просторі. Окремо підкреслені особливості роботи в хмарної програмі. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки роботи з програмним забезпеченням, розгорнутим за моделлю SaaS. Описано досвід використання даної програми на практичних заняттях педагогічного університету.


The toolkit of the MS Sway program is considered as an example of using Cloud technologies in the educational space. Features of work in the cloud program are underlined separately. The advantages and disadvantages of working with software deployed on the SaaS model are analyzed. The experience of using this program in practical exercises of the Pedagogical University is described. One of the main achievements of information and communication technologies (ICT) the last decade can be called the development of cloud technologies, which will touch on the practical use of all areas of public life, including significant changes in the educational process. The fact that this direction is quite promising says that the giants of the world online - industry like Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Google, Mail.ru, HP, IBM actively participate in the development of cloud technologies. This work describes and studies the basic tools of MS-purpose of cloud program Sway. It shows us the possibilities of using the program and shows us the advantages of the program in the educational process. Presentation established in the cloud program is stored on site sway. com. In addition, it can be placed in social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln and share for collaborative editing, the URL-address to view the presentation and for general use will be different, save with the format, pdf as well as print. Taking into consideration the diversity of content of cloud MS Sway, the program Sway could be called not a program for creating presentations, and software for creating your own website as a presentation. Obviously the introduction of cloud technologies in the educational process will not lead a rejection of the classical forms of training, but the possibility of the use of new techniques and technologies will lead the improvement of the educational process, improve its quality and efficiency.. 

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