Борис Ігорович Миндрул, Анна Валеріївна Ткаченко


Метою дослідження є з’ясування понятійного апарату методу проектів та виокремлення етапів роботи вчителів і учнів над навчальними проектами, а також розробка етапів організації міжпредметних проектів. Спираючись на вимоги сьогодення, ми вважаємо за необхідність реалізовувати проектну діяльність учнів шляхом інтеграції знань з фізики та інформатики. Ідеї інтеграції відповідає робота, пов’язана з моделюванням будь-яких фізичних процесів або явищ, що відбуваються в природних чи техногенних об’єктах. Представлено перелік можливих тем проектів, в яких простежується інтеграція знань, умінь та навичок з фізики та інформатики. Запропоновано етапи розробки проекту з теми «Змінний електричний струм», в якому учні 11-го класу застосовують знання з інформатики, набуті під час вивчення теми «Комп’ютерні презентації» для представлення результатів досліджень, які вони проводили з фізики.


Nowadays, the method of projects in secondary schools has become very relevant. The method of projects for the first time as an educational technology arose in the 20 years of the twentieth century in the USA. He was called the method of problems. This method was characterized by individual work on a joint plan. The essence of the method of projects is to stimulate the interest of the subject of learning to certain problems involving the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activity, which involves solving one or a number of problems, to demonstrate the practical application of the knowledge gained. That is, from theory to practice – a combination of academic knowledge and pragmatism while respecting the appropriate balance at each stage of learning. This aspect is prescribed in the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which regulate the work of teachers and students. The study of physics under the program developed in accordance with the new state standard began in 2015/2016. As stated in the «Educational program for secondary schools» «... an effective means of forming the subject and key competencies of students in the process of teaching physics is training projects ... the number of completed and evaluated projects can be arbitrary, but not less than one academic year». For example, in the curriculum on physics, the project method is given in the seventh grade for four hours, in the eighth – six hours, in the ninth – eight. At the senior school two and five hours, respectively, in the tenth and eleventh grades. Also, the project activity is foreseen not only in physics, but also in many educational subjects. In particular, from computer science, a curriculum for 10-11 grade students of general education institutions (standard level) provides for three hours for the development of a collective project using a computer presentation. During the specialized study of the course of computer science there are practical forms of training, among which there are work on project objectives. Owning information on the content of educational material from different courses provides the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills, conduct binary, integrated lessons, develop collaborative projects, use interpersonal relationships, enhance knowledge and build on knowledge base from other subjects. The purpose of our research is to find out the conceptual apparatus of the method of projects and to identify the stages of work of teachers and students over educational projects, as well as the development of stages of organization of interdisciplinary projects. Based on the requirements of the present, we consider it necessary to implement the project activity of students through the integration of knowledge in physics and computer science. The ideas of integration correspond to the work associated with the simulation of any physical processes or phenomena occurring in natural or man-made objects. A list of possible topics for projects that traces the integration of knowledge, skills and knowledge in physics and computer science is presented. The stages of development of the project on the topic «Alternating electric current» are presented, in which students of the 11th grade apply knowledge in computer science on the subject «Computer presentations» for the presentation of researches that they conducted in physics.

Повний текст:



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