Тетяна Олександрівна Бєлкова


Стаття присвячена проблемі формуванню здорового способу життя у студентів вищих медичних закладів. Визначено ставлення студентів до здорового способу життя. Проведено порівняльний аналіз рівня фізичної підготовленості та самооцінки їх стану здоров’я. Обґрунтовано і експериментально перевірено дієві засоби впливу фізичного виховання студентів медичного університету у позааудиторній діяльності. Доведено, що для організації позанавчальної діяльності з фізичного виховання необхідно використовувати найбільш популярні та доступні види рухової активності, з урахуванням соціокультурних особливостей. З’ясовано, що для розвитку та реформування національної системи охорони здоров’я та освіти має стати збереження і зміцнення здоров’я студентської молоді. Виходячи з концепції здорового способу життя, лікар сьогодні повинен бути орієнтований не тільки на патологію, але й займатися профілактикою захворювань, тобто здоров’ям здорової людини.  


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of a healthy lifestyle among students of higher medical institutions. The attitude of students towards a healthy lifestyle is determined. A comparative analysis of the level of physical preparedness and self-assessment of their health status was conducted. The purpose of the paper is to provide scientific and methodological substantiation of pedagogical means of influence on students of medical universities in the process of professional preparation for the preservation of their own health by means of physical education. To achieve this goal we solved the following tasks: 1. The students of higher have a theoretical analysis ofproblem of forming of healthy way of life. 2. To find out the features of motivation of students to health- recreational activity. 3. To define, to ground and experimentally check effectivefacilities of influence of physical education of stu dents ofmedical university in sectional activity. The effective means of influencing the physical education of students of the medical university in nonauditing activity are substantiated and experimentally verified. The analysis of scientific researches proved that developmentof higher school in modern terms was accom panied by thesocio-economic pressing on all spheres of student life and labour. It is found out by us, that the component of comprehensive harmonious development of personality is physical education. A theory and practice of physical education lean against this physiology. On the basis of its data, a scientifically grounded system of physical exercises, aimed at the development of motor activity and the formation of physical qualities of the body, is being developed. The scientific research was carried out on the basis of the Donetsk National Medical University in the city of Kropivnitsky. The study was subject to a report on the physical development of students of medical and international faculties. In the process of analysis, it was found that 57% of all students are physically trained. 33% for health reasons relief from physical education. There is a tendency to decrease the health of students, increasing the number involved in special medical groups. It was found that the ratio of the student’s environment to physical education and sports, as well as the attitude towards personal health and a healthy lifestyle in more students in general was positive. Most students determined that physical education in higher education promotes a healthy lifestyle and improves health. But in more students there was a negative or indifferent attitude towards the organization of classes, the content of classes and the distribution of educational material in physical education classes, as well as a greater number of students (60% - 1st course and 58.2% - II course) that they like to practice physical education in sports sections. The conducted questionnaires among students showed that the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about personal health, knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and principles of valeology is insufficient and needs further study. It is necessary to develop a certain list of pedagogical impact on students in order to increase their physical fitness and strengthen their personal health. The conducted questionnaires among students showed that the level of formation of knowledge and ideas about personal health, knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and principles of valeology is insufficient and needs further study. It is necessary to develop a certain list of pedagogical impact on students in order to increase their physical fitness and strengthen their personal health. For the organization of extracurricular activities in physical education, it is necessary to use the most popular and accessible types of motor activity, taking into account socio-cultural features. It is determined that the development and reform of the national health and education system should be the preservation and strengthening of the health of student youth. Based on the concept of a healthy lifestyle, today the doctor should be focused not only on the pathology, but also on the fight against the prevention of diseases, that is health of a healthy person. 



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