Денис Васильович Гринь


В статті обговорюються цілі, завдання, зміст процесу формування профоріенційної компетенції учнів в процесі вивчення середовища MathCAD підготовці майбутнього фахівця інженера-педагога з «комп’ютерних технологій», як перехідної ланки при програмуванні, що дасть змогу студентам на початку навчатись на більш простих для сприйняття та оволодіння програмними продуктами.


Each stage of development of society assumes a certain level of efficiency and productivity of human activities. The activity of each individual is assessed in terms of compliance with its established standards, patterns and norms. Similar patterns of activity (skills, skills) of a certain level and quality are considered competences. Competence in a certain sphere is manifested as the realization of individual abilities and human experience in solving the tasks assigned to it. This is especially true and obvious in the field of application of modern information technologies in various fields of knowledge. Knowledge of computer mathematics (SCM) systems today is a special key competence both in mathematics itself and in those areas where mathematics is used as a tool for solving problems. Mathematical and scientific and technical calculations are an important area of application of personal computers. Often they are performed using programs written in a high-level language, such as BASIC or Pascal. Today, this work is often performed by an ordinary PC user. To do this, he is forced to learn programming languages and numerous, sometimes very delicate, whimsical numerical methods of mathematical calculations. Often, while out of hand an able physicist, chemist or engineer go far from the perfection of the program. This is not a completely normal situation, it can improve the application of integrated software systems for the automation of mathematical calculations (Eureka, MathCAD, MatLab, etc.). Here we consider the possibilities and evolution of one such system - MathCAD. Solving problems from various subject areas in MathCAD allows you to form key competencies, such as the ability to analyze processes, build their mathematical models, validate the choice of a method for solving a formalized problem, analyze the models obtained for adequacy and accuracy, perform a computational experiment, and interpret the results of calculations. Working with formulas gives students the opportunity to more deeply understand the interrelation of analytical expressions, evaluate the suitability of formulas, the content side is processed by the data being developed, and the mathematical culture is developed. Managing students through computer simulation by changing the process parameters allows you to collect individual experience, develop intuition, and the ability to make independent decisions. 

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