Наталія Іванівна Станіславчук


У статті розглядаються теоретичні аспекти та особливості формування етичної компетентності студентів-гуманітаріїв. Провівши теоретичний аналіз, виокремлено основні аспекти досліджуваного поняття. Зіставлено поняття компетентність, етична компетентність. Узагальнено та систематизовано наукові погляди діячів освіти та культури щодо формування етико-педагогічних ідей. Серед основних компетентностей, якими повинен володіти спеціаліст, етична має пріоритетне значення. Вона виступає показником і одночасно результатом особистісної готовності до професійної діяльності, тому що виконання будь-якого завдання має моральний зміст. Етична компетентність за специфікою реалізації належить до так званих надпредметних компетентностей. Вона має інтегрований характер і поєднує у собі певний комплекс знань, умінь і ставлень, які набуваються майбутніми вчителями протягом засвоєння всього змісту педагогічної освіти.


The article discusses the theoretical aspects and peculiarities of formation of the ethical competence of students in the humanities. The main aspects of the researched concept were highlighted using a theoretical analysis. The concept of competence, ethical competence was defined. The scientific views of scientists on the formation of ethical and pedagogical ideas were generalized and systematized. The ethical competence has got the main meaning among the major competencies. It serves as an index and at the same time as the result of personal readiness to professional activities, because the performance of any task has a moral sense It acts as an indicator and also the result of personal readiness for professional activities, so that the implementation of some job has moral content.
Ethical competence for its specifics of implementation refers to the so-called interdisciplinary competences. It has integrated character and combines a specific set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are acquired by future teachers in the course of assimilating all of the content of pedagogical education. One of the priorities of educational work in higher educational institutions in the modern educational system is considered to be the acquisition of professionally important qualities of future teacher. Ethical competence has priority among the major competencies which should have a future specialist, including student humanities. It acts as an indicator of personal readiness of future teachers to the profession, because the performance of some task has the moral significance. Ethical competence of the pedagogical worker determines his professional activity. This is reflects in the habits, principles, mental states, actions, deeds and qualities. It provides a choice of future teacher behavior in accordance with professional and ethical standards. Its ethical component expands the teacher’s professional opportunities and the ability reveals itself as a unique medium build pedagogical process and interacts with all members of the educational value of having significant expertise in the structure. Formation and
development of ethical competence teacher makes his teaching skills in their future professional activity. On the one hand, ethical competence reflects the accumulated experience of the system of professional standards and values of the teacher, on the other - is a psycho-educational tool through its impact on personal behavior inner world.

Повний текст:



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