Світлана Михайлівна Іщенко


Стаття присвячена вивченню структури та змісту фахової підготовки педагогів професійного навчання з харчових технологій. Встановлено, що процес розвитку структури навчально-педагогічної діяльності майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання неможливий без активного впровадження інноваційних компонентів (інноваційної діяльності), специфіка яких спрямована на виокремлення особливостей професійно-педагогічної діяльності педагога професійного навчання. Сучасне суспільство вимагає від майбутнього фахівця з харчових технологій, як трудового ресурсу, так і знань, умінь та навичок, які забезпечать стале функціонування та подальший розвиток країни у європейському вимірі. В статті науково обґрунтовано та проаналізовано структуру та зміст фахової підготовки педагогів професійного навчання з харчових технологій в сучасних умовах, що забезпечує високу ефективність освітнього процесу.

The article is devoted to the study of the structure and content teachers professional training in food technology. It was established that the development of pedagogical structure of future teachers of vocational training is impossible without the active implementation of innovative components (innovation activity), the specifics of which are aimed at isolating features professional-pedagogical activity of teacher training.

Modern society requires specialist food future technologies such as human resources, and knowledge and skills that will ensure sustainable operation and further development of the country in European terms. The article scientifically substantiated and analyzed the structure and content of vocational training of food technology in modern terms, providing high efficiency of the educational process. Vocational teacher education is the only type of education in the country, which was created specifically and was sent to the state social sectors as an initial professional education. In this regard, vocational teacher education is essential specifics of the content and educational technologies. It should be noted that 015 graduates – «Professional Education. Food Technology» has to master in learning professional competencies that enable it to successfully carry workers' training in food technology. For this graduate should: know the complexity of working profession and its theoretical basis; practices have professional knowledge and skills based on established training pedagogy and psychology; be able to use modern equipment and latest information technology. The article analyzes the structure of teacher professional training in food technology and its characteristics. Teacher professional learning can be a teacher, and master instructor of industrial training, assistant, and trainers. According to the functional responsibilities of teacher professional learning provides training for educational, industrial and technological, research and organizational management activities in schools for vocational education, training and production plants, schools, faculties and training and academic institutions.The effectiveness of vocational training teacher professional learning significantly increase our research in an integrated combination of deliberate practice theory as well as systematic independent work of students under the guidance of their mentors.

Повний текст:



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