Марина Валеріївна Ващенко, Віра Романівна Водянка



 Стаття присвячена інтегративному навчанню з елементами розвиваючих технологій. Ідея інтегрованого навчання передбачає досягнення мети якісної освіти, тобто освіти конкурентоздатної, спроможної, забезпечити кожній людині самостійно досягти тієї чи іншої цілі, творчо самостверджуватися у різних соціальних сферах. Одним із шляхів досягнення мети є впровадження інноваційних технологій в теоретичне навчання технічних дисциплін. Таким чином, поєднання знань з різних предметів дає можливість учневі не просто завчити теоретичні відомості з тієї чи іншої теми, але й зрозуміти практичне значення складних понять з технічних дисциплін, адже для робітничих професій сфери ресторанного обслуговування ці предмети є достатньо складними. У своїй статті на прикладі двох різних предметів ми показали можливість учня вивчити, а не завчити предмети та зуміти поєднати їх на практиці.

The article is devoted to integrative training with elements of the developing technologies. The idea of integrated training implies the goal of quality education, education that is competitive, able, capable to provide to each person independently to achieve these or those objectives, creatively assert themselves in different social spheres. One of ways of achievement of goals is introduction of innovative technologies into theoretical teaching of technical disciplines, in particula, case -method. Thus, the combination of knowledge from different subjects gives the student an opportunity not just to learn theoretical information on a particular topic, but also to understand the practical significance of complex concepts of technical subjects, as for working professions of the sphere of restaurant service these items are quite complicated. On the example of two different subjects, we showed the student an opportunity to study, not to learn the items and be able to combine them in practice. Analysis of psychological-pedagogical research allows us to affirm that the implementation in the educational practice the integrated approach creates favorable conditions for the formation of a single image of the world, showing the creativity of the child and the teacher. Fundamentals of electrical engineering and physical chemistry of supersaturated laws, formulae, calculations, and integrated lessons from these items will help students learn, not very carefully and be able to use this knowledge in practice. Integrated learning gives you the freedom of choice of themes, content, features that are used in the training of students. On the basis of experimental data we can conclude that the systematic use of interdisciplinary relations produces in students the ability to critically think over the material being studied. New material the students compared with the knowledge that they are known, mapping them, analyze, add famous earlier, and this active mental activity on the generalization of new under the influence of previously known from adjacent disciplines contributes to greater adoption of program material. Fundamentals of electrical engineering and physical chemistry of supersaturated laws, formulae, calculations, and integrated lessons from these items will help students learn, not very carefully and be able to use this knowledge in practice. On the basis of experimental data we can conclude that the systematic use of enter disciplinary relations produces in students the ability to critically think over the material being studied. New material the students compared with the knowledge that they are known, mapping them, analyze, add famous earlier, and this active mental activity on the generalizatio

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