Дмитрій Сергійович Вербівський


Стаття розкриває проблему дослідження ролі проектної діяльності в процесі формування професійних і особистісних якостей майбутніх учителів інформатики. В роботі досліджена проблема проектної діяльності в історико-педагогічному аспекті; розглянуті питання проектних прийомів навчання, умов розвитку рефлексивних умінь та методичних аспектів розвитку педагогічного професіоналізму майбутніх учителів інформатики

The article reveals the problem of researching the role of project activity in the process of forming professional and personal qualities of future computer science teachers. The problem of project activity in the historical and pedagogical aspect is investigated in the work; the issues of design methods of teaching, the conditions for the development of reflexive skills and methodological aspects of the development of the pedagogical professionalism of future teachers of informatics are considered. The working program of the problem group of the students of the course "Formation of professional competence of future teachers of informatics" is presented. The psychological-pedagogical and special literature for definition of the conceptual apparatus, experience and a condition of introduction of design technology in educational process of the higher school are analyzed, methodical bases of preparation of the future teachers of computer science are defined. It was determined that updating forms, methods and methods of teaching should be aimed at replacing reproductive education with creative ones. Creative work, which is close to scientific comprehension and generalization is possible only if the organization of independent activity of the individual. The requirements for the use of the project method are defined; various classifications of project typologies are considered; noted the need for an external evaluation of projects, because only in this way can monitor their effectiveness, failures, the need for timely correction. Considerable attention should be given to general approaches to structuring the project. An algorithm for developing reflexive skills among students is described, which may have the following structure: awareness of the difficulties of one’s own project activity; comprehension of motives, goals and their role in this project; analysis and evaluation of their actions during the implementation of activities; search for new samples, norms and rules of project activity. The levels of readiness of students for project activities are defined and described. It is proved that educational projects are an effective means of forming the subject and key competence of future teachers of informatics in the process of professional training.

Повний текст:



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